I am passionate about food, yoga, and mindfulness, but this has not always been the case.


At age 22, I was diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. I got my results, and in the same week, I also got the news my parents were divorcing. My biological mother, whom I’ve never met, added me on Facebook. And after years I finally realized I was in an abusive toxic relationship with my then fiance. I was petrified my life would end right there. (Yet before this, I had never actually been alive).


“SICK? BUT I’M ONLY 22! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SICK?!” I’d ask the universe. “Why is this happening to me?” I’d ask again. And again. And again.


Driven to save my life, I went to every head oncologist and pried information out of them. Apparently, every cigarette I smoked for the past 8 years prevented my body from fighting cancer. In fact, it was the reason those cells have spread + the nights of partying and drinking and the stress that a relationship with an alcoholic brought to my life.


I was speechless – This whole time, I had been killing myself.

I was speechless - This whole time, I had been killing myself.

I became an avid bookworm and wiggled my way into every library in Los Angeles. It didn’t take many books to learn that there is no cure. But to my surprise, there seemed to be one similar link in every book I read:




“But hold on, I’ve been a vegetarian for 6 years… What do you mean food can help cure cancer?”


I regulated my eating habits and had an epiphany. My vegetarian diet consisted of cigarettes, croissants, coffee, instant noodles, and pizza.


Not once had I realized the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet. And the only veggies I had were either frozen or canned. What?


Once again – Speechless. My stress levels were high AF!


And then I remembered. My grandfather tried to teach me yoga when I was 14. I tried even harder to remember some of the poses. I walked to my first YOGA class in English. Hated it. My neck hurt. I spent the whole class self-conscious, scanning what other people were doing. I was out of place.


But after it all, I felt good! I was breathing well, despite all the cigarettes, and felt something awakening inside me. Something weird… Something new… Something I call “bliss”. I was committed to practicing yoga. I learned my hips were too tight. Many of the instructors pointed out my lack of flexibility.


“Fuck if my hips are too tight or if my fingers can only touch my knees! I am dying and I am on this mat for me!”

I walked to my first yoga class in English. Hated it.
Yoga made me understand how to love myself and gave me the strength to do so.

My pre-cancer condition went from level 1 to level 3 in six months. Level 4 was cancer.

My doctor insisted we schedule surgery, but I was terrified.  I begged him to wait and trust the process. I knew I want to live. So I did yoga. I ate nutritious healing foods every day. I started the process to quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol every day.


Being MINDFUL about my body, heart, mind, and spirit was a huge act of love for my life. I stuck to my new lifestyle and 3 months later, for my and my doctor’s surprise, there was not a single cancerogenic cell. I felt like I hit the lottery!


Yoga made me understand how to love myself and gave me the strength to do so.

I nourish my body with a vegan organic diet, but it has never been out of fear. It has always been out of love: Love for my life and the amazing opportunity to finally live it.


Mindful practices taught me to recognize and enjoy the good and not to freak out in the lesser than moments.


It has been one hell of a ride, and I am grateful for every single piece of it. I have lots to do before my time is done. I still need to plant a few trees, write a few books, but most importantly I would like to inspire you to feel this good too. 🙂









Only love sets you free


What is Wellness Galaxy?
